Kausikortit ja otteluliput


Think the season ticket prices this season have been outstanding value for money (I think mine costs 120e if I recall correctly. I thought at the time I have to be not understanding something with translation of the language because it surely cannot be that cheap) In other countries even in lower leagues, you are looking at a starting price of around 240e on average.

I have been lucky enough to visit a fair few different stadiums in the UK and across Europe and I normally dislike new stadiums. But the Tammelan stadium is unique, you are so close to the pitch and every part of the ground is easily accessible once inside. I would rank it in the top 5 stadiums that I have ever visited.
When Ilves have got going at times this season, The football has been watchable and enjoyable as well.

At first I thought that the drinks/food cost in the stadium are quiet high (Regular coke is 4.50e) Beer 7/8e however when I started visiting other stadiums with Ilves I noticed this is pretty average and in line with what other clubs are charging for those kind of things.

Personally I have no problems spending money in the ground, I always look to do so, especially when the club is doing its part and helps keep football tickets affordable.

I am curious to see what Ilves do with the pricing for next season but I am pretty sure no matter what happens with the prices that I will renew my season ticket as soon as they go on sale.

I have absolutely loved it this season so far and have met some fantastic people here on the forums and in the stands this season (home and away) Those people have helped massively to make me feel part of this club.

To anyone having doubts about the Veikkasliiga or watching football here in Finland, Don't have, Come along to a few games and try it out and get involved. While it may not be Championship, Premier league or higher European league quality, Many other aspects make up for that.

When I first joined the forum I had a discussion with a gentleman on here. He argued that he
felt the Veikkasliiga was on par with League one (Third division) in England. I dismissed that pretty instantly when I had only watched a couple of games. I would like to apologise. While very few teams in this division would struggle to be competitive overall in League one, There are certainly some players here who do have the potential to play in the lower leagues in England.

That is not to say that the Veikkausliiga is a poor league, its not. You just have to look at the league table to see how competitive its been this season.


Uutiskirjeen tilaajille lipunmyynti tosiaan aukesi jo klo 10:30 - nopeahkolla varoajalla, kun ainakin mulle tuo maili tuli klo 10:24.

edit. Tämä olikin toisessa ketjussa jo toki huomattu.


Olisiko jonkun mahdollista välittää tuo ennakkomyynnin linkki DM:nä? En ole uutiskirjeen tilaaja, mutta pitääpi laittaa nyt saman tien tilaukseen.

EDIT: Ei tarvitse enää, homma hoidossa.
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Supin tukit

1 697
Ei olisi kyllä itsellekään tullut mieleenkään, että vaara noin massiivisesta invaasiosta olisi olemassa. DIF:n ja yleisestikin suurten ruotsalaisseurojen kannattajakulttuuri on kyllä tuttua, mutta jotenkin tuli yllätyksenä, että konferenssiliigan karsintaottelu jotain nevöhöörd-Ilvestä vastaan kiinnostaisi noin paljon vieraskohteena.

Toki tämä ei toimistoa päästä pälkähästä, mää olen vaan typerä kausikorttijanari, eikä mun pidäkään osata varautua tällaiseen. Toimistolla sen sijaan pitää ottaa selvää siitä, miten taataan omalle kannattajakunnalle (lue: asiakaskunnalle) mahdollisimman helppo ja viihtyisä katsomokokemus. Ja siihen päämäärään hyvä alku olisi varmistaa, että omalle kannattajakunnalle annetaan edes mahdollisuus saada liput; eikä lahjoteta puolta stadikan kapasiteettia örveltäville ruotsalaisille futisturisteille...


Sinne ilmestyi tänään muutama hajapaikka myyntiin, josta nappasin lipun itselleni.
Aina pitää uskoa, että niitä lippuja tulee myyntiin.
Ensimmäinen Ilveksen matsi jalkapallossa ekaa kertaa varmaan 25 vuoteen. Odotan innolla varsinkin tunnelmaa.