Suomen stadionit

Pirkkalan Litti

Vituiksi taisi mennä tuo Kokkolan hanke. Alkuperäinen suunnitelma oli erinomainen. Jos siinä olisi pysytty niin kaikki vaikuttaisi hyvältä.

Ilmeisesti tämä uusittu malli, jossa ei ole edes katoksia, tuli yllätyksenä myös futisseuroille, vaikka sen julkistamisen yhteydessä sanottiin, että sitä suunniteltiin yhdessä futisseurojen kanssa. Vaikea uskoa, että mikään futisseura haluaisi aloitteellisesti vaihtaa katetun stadionin kattamattomaksi. Etenkin kun kaupunki on lähellä merta eli voimakas tuuli ja syyssateet piiskaavat kenttää loppukaudesta.

Vaikea nähdä, että kerettäisiin ennen tukien menetystä aloittaa kunnollisen stadionin rakennustyöt.

Never stop the madness

2 119
Kuopiosta tulee lähitulevaisuudessa uutista ainakin kaupunginjohtajan mukaan

Kotkassa alkaa uusi katsomo hahmottumaan(kuva futisforumin Winza nimimerkiltä)

Pietarsaaresta on julkaistu hahmotelma video

Kokkolassa rakennuslupapäätöksestä lähtee valitus Vaasan hallinto-oikeuteen

Espoossa uuden stadionin rakentaminen alkaa vuonna 2025 Hongan konkasta huolimatta!
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19 254

Never stop the madness

2 119
"Toukokuussa 2023 Vaasan hallinto-oikeus hylkäsi kaikki valitukset valitukset Oy Jeppis Stadion Ab:n rakennusluvasta. Päätöksestä valitettiin sittemmin, mutta nyt siis korkein hallinto-oikeus on päättänyt, että se ei myönnä valituslupaa. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa, että alkuperäinen rakennuslupa on voimassa, ja että projekti voi jatkua."

–Olemme koko aikana tehneet työtä projektin eteen, mutta totta kai tämä päätös antaa lisäpotkua työllemme. Nyt ryhdymme tositoimiin stadionin toteuttamiseksi, niin että se voidaan ottaa käyttöön 2025, Anderssén sanoo.

Hienoa Pietarsaari!


Interesting to see the development of football stadiums in Finland.
Does seem to be a huge gap in terms of facilities within the Veikkausliiga when comparing all the stadiums. I really like the fact that away from home you can practically go to almost a Park one week, to a modernized all seater stadium the next! I am definitely looking forward to experiencing some away games in the future.


3 480
Interesting to see the development of football stadiums in Finland.
Does seem to be a huge gap in terms of facilities within the Veikkausliiga when comparing all the stadiums. I really like the fact that away from home you can practically go to almost a Park one week, to a modernized all seater stadium the next! I am definitely looking forward to experiencing some away games in the future.

Only Stadium to compare Tammela is OmaSP Stadium, SJK's home stadium. It's the only new era stadium build for football. SJK away is 19.4. and train to Seinäjoki is hour+ so go and see…

Bolt arena in Helsinki is a lousy stadium althou it has been made to football only stadium, but it was badly designed.
In Turku Veritas is nowadays good stadium as the earlier open end is now build for spectators.

Vaasa is also good football stadium, but for the historical reasons it wasn’t build all the way end and now the historical stands are waiting demolition.. sad, as it could have been build ready allaround at once

Oulu has a track and field stadium, but they are going to build a new one for football only (it has been delayed, but it will be build, as politicians are behind it)

Valkeakoski has an old stadium and it feels that way, but there is history (Valkekoski is 30min away, so you should check it)

Kuopio aka KuPs has plans for the new one, but politicians and KuPs owner has not seen a common ground.

MIFK renewed Viklöf arena and took the running tracks away, so it’s now a football only.. stands only one side thou.

EIF has a small stadium in a small Village, hasn’t been there. Gnistan is a district team so is the stadium in Oulunkylä, althou they’ve got old stands from Espoo as Honka went bankrupt

Lahti plays in a track and field / skiing stadium, worst of them all
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Only Stadium to compare Tammela is OmaSP Stadium, SJK's home stadium. It's the only new era stadium build for football. SJK away is 19.4. and train to Seinäjoki is hour+ so go and see…

Bolt arena in Helsinki is a lousy stadium althou it has been made to football only stadium, but it was badly designed.
In Turku Veriast is nowadays good stadium as the earlier open end is now build for spectators.

Vaasa is also good football stadium, but for the historical reasons it wasn’t build all away and now the historical stands are waiting demolition.. sad, as it could have been build ready allaround

Oulu has a track and field stadium, but they are going to build a new one for football only (it has been delayed, but it will be build, as politicians are behind it)

Valkeakoski has an old stadium and it feels that way, but there is history (Valkekoski is 30min away, so you should check it)

Kuopio aka KuPs has planes for the new one, but politicians and owner has not seen a common ground.

MIFK renewed Viklöf arena and took the running tracks away, so it’s now a football only.. stands only one side thou.

EIF has a small stadium in a small Village, hasn’t been there. Gnistan is a district team so is the stadium in Oulunkylä, althou they’ve got old stands from Espoo as Honka vent bankrupt

Lahti plays in a track and field / skiing stadium, worst of them all

Luckily in Finland the Railway network is really good (and well priced) so for the majority of away games I would assume that getting to them is not to much of a hassle even the further away games like Oulu for example.

MIFK and FC Haka look really interesting. Haka's stadium reminds me of a older lower league English ground and appears to have character with stands on most sides (I really like that) and MIFK for the journey. An away day on the train and the boat with a few beers does sound like something worth experiencing for sure. EIF looks insane and was what I was referring to im terms of almost a ''park'' stadium. How does an away allocation even work in a stadium like that? And Lahti reminds me of Gateshead stadium (which is absolutely not designed to watch a game of football, you need binoculars!)

When I lived back in England I would constantly follow Charlton away from home. I was struggling with only attending 1-3 games a season since I moved to Finland (With the cost of air travel and everything)

For me personally football has always been a big part of my life. When I attended the game on Saturday some of those football feelings came back. Even if the experience was somewhat different. The best part is that the Ilves Season starts just as the English football season ends, and Finishes just after the English football season begins. So I no longer have to be football starved for that 3-4 month summer break!
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2 122
An away day on the train and the boat with a few beers does sound like something worth experiencing for sure.
It's surely an experience. At least in the summer. Autumn storms in the boat can be an experience too but there's risk that the boat has to skip landing in Mariehamn. In some cases the away team might be in the same boat and then it means that the match has to be cancelled/postponed.

Most of the times you need 2 or at least 1.5 days with train & boat combo. Typically whole weekend. I guess with an airplane the trip can be done during one day but that's not a budget trip.

Still waiting for a summer weekend that both teams (men & women) have a match in the Mariehamn against MIFK and Åland United.