Henrik Haapala


Nope… nothing new.. its very interesting to see where he goes. Liigas pre-season is starting soon so I don’t think he’ll stay in Finland.
Me neither.. we play first match of pre-season 10th August so we will see.. He could come also in pre-season.. or in season too..but I do not think so he will wait to season..
I do not know if he is injured now it could be also important for his decision when or where he come...

Kevin Müller

Me neither.. we play first match of pre-season 10th August so we will see.. He could come also in pre-season.. or in season too..but I do not think so he will wait to season..
I do not know if he is injured now it could be also important for his decision when or where he come...
I think that you have The Best Chance to get him actually.


Ylläpidon jäsen
7 937
Me neither.. we play first match of pre-season 10th August so we will see.. He could come also in pre-season.. or in season too..but I do not think so he will wait to season..
I do not know if he is injured now it could be also important for his decision when or where he come...
I don't think a player of that status needs to participate in training matches. Especially given his injury history. No matter how much I like him, it's not worth taking any chances.

Kevin Müller

Why is that a problem? You don't need finnish players to sign Haapala.
Yeah but apparently if he goes abroad he wants to have someone finnish in team. And many of you said he should go abroad, so that Komets have advantage with Lintunemi, we have just Ryan O’Connor And I think he doesnt speak finnish well. To be honest I would also rather come to team where atleast someone knows my language for acclimatization in New team in new country.


Yeah but apparently if he goes abroad he wants to have someone finnish in team. And many of you said he should go abroad, so that Komets have advantage with Lintunemi, we have just Ryan O’Connor And I think he doesnt speak finnish well. To be honest I would also rather come to team where atleast someone knows my language for acclimatization in New team in new country.
I don't think that's a dealbreaker with Haapala since his english is good. I'm pretty sure he just goes where he gets the best deal from.

Robert ja Nollakulma

6 292
Yeah but apparently if he goes abroad he wants to have someone finnish in team. And many of you said he should go abroad, so that Komets have advantage with Lintunemi, we have just Ryan O’Connor And I think he doesnt speak finnish well. To be honest I would also rather come to team where atleast someone knows my language for acclimatization in New team in new country.

Also I would assume you can offer a higher salary than from Extraliga? I have undestood that in many DEL clubs the salaries are higher than than top teams in Finland.

By the way your former player Trevor Mingoia just signed to Oulun Kärpät. Any toughts what they can expect? At least in points first year was better than this last one.

Kevin Müller

Also I would assume you can offer a higher salary than from Extraliga? I have undestood that in many DEL clubs the salaries are higher than than top teams in Finland.

By the way your former player Trevor Mingoia just signed to Oulun Kärpät. Any toughts what they can expect? At least in points first year was better than this last one.
Yeah we can but not than every team in Extraliga, there are like 4/5 Teams that are like really really strong financially - Komets, Trinec, Spartans, Dynamo and I think Vitcovice.

I think Trevor could do well in Karpat, in seasons before he went to us he was really good in Liiga - Kookoo. So I think he could get around 30-35 points.

Kevin Müller

I don't think that's a dealbreaker with Haapala since his english is good. I'm pretty sure he just goes where he gets the best deal from.
It could be possible by your way but I really think he is not going to us by info i have from my friend. I think Komets or Ilves is The Best for him to be honest but would totally love him in Wolfsburg next to Andy Miele.


9 401
It could be possible by your way but I really think he is not going to us by info i have from my friend. I think Komets or Ilves is The Best for him to be honest but would totally love him in Wolfsburg next to Andy Miele.

Yes, but Ilves no longer wants him (at his price).

Great player, but just can't stay healthy for an entire season.


6 874
Yeah but apparently if he goes abroad he wants to have someone finnish in team. And many of you said he should go abroad, so that Komets have advantage with Lintunemi, we have just Ryan O’Connor And I think he doesnt speak finnish well. To be honest I would also rather come to team where atleast someone knows my language for acclimatization in New team in new country.
Haapala spend a season abroad at NHL/AHL and his english should be pretty good so i don't see a problem there. It's always a plus if you have your countrymen on your team but like i said, don't see that being a problem with Haapala.

Ilves fan

1 686
Tai ylipäätään että missä tilanteessa ollaan haapalan kaa.
Keskiviikkona näin kaukajärvellä reenaamassa luodon kaa et ainaki tampereella edellee