Henrik Haapala

Kevin Müller

I think that would be good for him, there are some finnish guys arent they? Lintuniemi And Strömberg. But would love him to come to Wolfsburg.
So apparently we should be out of The race for him, it should be because if he goes abroad he wants to play with someone finnish. Scheiße as we say in Deutschland. Also kiitos to you guys, Amazing fanbase of one of The best Teams in the europe.


3 962
So apparently we should be out of The race for him, it should be because if he goes abroad he wants to play with someone finnish. Scheiße as we say in Deutschland. Also kiitos to you guys, Amazing fanbase of one of The best Teams in the europe.
Just out of curiosity, how did you find this forum?


3 962
I wanted to look on official Ilves website if there are any News on him so I searched: Ilves and second link was link for this forum. So I hopped in And took a look there And found Henrik Haapala thread so I asked on him. Hope you dont find it any bad that I’m here.
Any bad? Of course not, as @KeltaVihree said, only very nice that there's ice hockey fans from different backgrounds. It makes also discussion richer.


9 370
Minua jäi mietityttämään se, että joku oli kommentoinut että ”edelleenkin?” Sitten Eemeli Suomen naisystävä oli vastannut siihen emojeilla, jotka viittaa tavallaan siihen että kyllä edelleenkin mutta en nyt saa niitä emojeita tähän:D
Edelleenkin Tillu pihtaa? :D


Ilveksen pelaajat tietää, että heidän sukulaisia ja tuttuja seurataan tällä foorumilla ja kaikkien julkaisut analysoidaan erkkarin väriä myöten. Eiköhän siellä ole hauskaa pidetty. Kuitenkin koska Eemeli oli tykännyt siitä, niin olisko sittenkin savua... Toisaalta ehkä Jessica on vain Ilveksen naisia, mutta sen julkaisun poistaminen taas tuntuisi sitten oudolta :)
Tuohon kuvaan on tägätty (tai siis siinä mainitaan) Jokikokko joka siis pelannut Ilveksen naisissa. Tekeekö comebäkkiä kenties :D

Kevin Müller

I think Kometa made him offer.
You were right, Kometa is the team that made him offer. I think their GM is former Czech National team assistant to Kari Jalonen who coached them recently, so maybe this could help him to get him. Also dont you know where Kari could go? He is top coach dont know why czechs got rid off him.


Minua jäi mietityttämään se, että joku oli kommentoinut että ”edelleenkin?” Sitten Eemeli Suomen naisystävä oli vastannut siihen emojeilla, jotka viittaa tavallaan siihen että kyllä edelleenkin mutta en nyt saa niitä emojeita tähän:D
Taitaa kyseinen "joku" olla Henkan sukulaismiehiä

Raipe - The Great One

11 539
You were right, Kometa is the team that made him offer. I think their GM is former Czech National team assistant to Kari Jalonen who coached them recently, so maybe this could help him to get him. Also dont you know where Kari could go? He is top coach dont know why czechs got rid off him.
There was a rumour that Kari Jalonen could be Finland’s next national team’s coach, when Jukka Jalonen is signing off. But presumably only for one year.

Ilves fan

1 686
Ei kellään sattuis mitää sisäpiiri tietoo oleen henkasta? Tai jotain uutta?! Tässä rupee pää prakaa ku ei oo mitään tietoo minne kaveri menee varsinkin kun kuulun vahvasti siihen koulukuntaan joka ottais kirkuen henkan ipaan ja jos 5 minuuttia oisin tillun saappaissa nii siinä ajassa hoitaisin henkan meille ens kaudeks eli onko mitää uutta?

Kevin Müller

Ei kellään sattuis mitää sisäpiiri tietoo oleen henkasta? Tai jotain uutta?! Tässä rupee pää prakaa ku ei oo mitään tietoo minne kaveri menee varsinkin kun kuulun vahvasti siihen koulukuntaan joka ottais kirkuen henkan ipaan ja jos 5 minuuttia oisin tillun saappaissa nii siinä ajassa hoitaisin henkan meille ens kaudeks eli onko mitää uutta?
I translated your message mister. One guy from Wolfsburg said to me that The interest from Komets is really strong, so maybe there. I actually think it is between them And Ilves, we should be out of The race unfortunately. I think he will land in Komets as it is New experience for him but would like to see him in Ilves so you would definetly win Liiga, your team is really strong this year.


9 370
I translated your message mister. One guy from Wolfsburg said to me that The interest from Komets is really strong, so maybe there. I actually think it is between them And Ilves, we should be out of The race unfortunately. I think he will land in Komets as it is New experience for him but would like to see him in Ilves so you would definetly win Liiga, your team is really strong this year.
For me it almost seems like if Ilves really wanted Haapala they would already have signed him. Ilves made him weakish offer and already put money on other wingers. Haapala has injury problems that quite likely will never go away.

Kevin Müller

For me it almost seems like if Ilves really wanted Haapala they would already have signed him. Ilves made him weakish offer and already put money on other wingers. Haapala has injury problems that quite likely will never go away.
Yeah that seems real, also can I ask what injuries does he have problem with? I heard hips? Thank you mister.


9 370
Yeah that seems real, also can I ask what injuries does he have problem with? I heard hips? Thank you mister.
I think the problem with hips is one what really sticks. You play long season without much rest, pain will always grow. There is rumours about other injuries but i dont know for sure.

Situation with Haapala is interesting for sure. I would be happy if he comes. Team guy and great dude, does not have any problems off the rink. But if we dont sign him, i totally understand that too. Only bad scenario really would be that he sigs for another liiga team and shines.