
6 991
Eläintarhan janarit ovat käytännössä jo jatkossa eli siinä tuleva vastustaja.

Tässä ketjussa suunnitellaan ja fiilistellään tulevaa reissua. Yksityiskohdat varmistuvat myöhemmin tällä viikolla, mutta jo ensi viikolla pelataan eka osa-ottelu.

Djurgården-Ilves 15.8 klo 20.00!


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We will be at home first on the 8th of August and away in Stockholm the following week (8th & 15th of August) if the dates are not changed.

I wonder if we will try to play the away game on the Wednesday since we have KuPs away the Sunday straight after.

I know Stockholm isn’t a million miles away but if we play on the Thursday with the travelling and in terms of recovery time for what is a very important league game that is going to be tough.


Hulilennon kannalla itse. Jos edes 2 päivän ylimääräiseen vapaaseen työnantaja taipuisi lyhyellä varoitusajalla.


1 715
Työnantaja ei kysellyt enempää, kun kuuli hulipaatista. Sitä tosin en tiedä mikä Tukholman laivoista nyt on se hulipaatti.


Itse olen käynyt pari kertaa Tukholmassa katsomassa jalkapalloa. Nyt ei valitettavasti työt jousta, että keskellä viikkoa pystyisi lähtemään.

Jos joku on ensimmäistä kertaa menossa Djurgårdenin otteluun niin suosittelen, että ei välttämättä kannata tunnustaa väriä kuin vieraskannattajille osoitetussa lohkossa. Neutraali-zoneillakin voi olla idiootteja ja lähemmäksi kotijoukkueen päätyä ei edes päästetä.

Muutenhan Tukholmassa hommat toimii kuin junan vessat ja varmasti hieno tapahtuma luvassa!


Itse olen käynyt pari kertaa Tukholmassa katsomassa jalkapalloa. Nyt ei valitettavasti työt jousta, että keskellä viikkoa pystyisi lähtemään.

Jos joku on ensimmäistä kertaa menossa Djurgårdenin otteluun niin suosittelen, että ei välttämättä kannata tunnustaa väriä kuin vieraskannattajille osoitetussa lohkossa. Neutraali-zoneillakin voi olla idiootteja ja lähemmäksi kotijoukkueen päätyä ei edes päästetä.

Muutenhan Tukholmassa hommat toimii kuin junan vessat ja varmasti hieno tapahtuma luvassa!

I’ve never really understood why away fans would want to go into the home end at football games. This is one culture difference I am still getting used to (In Finland it is clearly acceptable to do so)

But outside of Finland I would definitely not encourage it, stick with your own.


Actually, it's really not acceptable to do

Yet it’s really noticeable? At least to me, that people do that?

Haka away for example if all the yellow shirts and obvious Ilves fans were with us in the away end the whole stand would have been nearly full.

You can always generate a better atmosphere if all your fans are in one stand or close by.

It’s also easier in terms of stewarding and security?

I just don’t understand the reason as to why you would go to an away game but not go into the away end?
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Supin tukit

1 981
Yet it’s really noticeable? At least to me, that people do that?

Haka away for example if all the yellow shirts and obvious Ilves fans were with us in the away end the whole stand would have been nearly full.

You can always generate a better atmosphere if all your fans are in one stand or close by.

It’s also easier in terms of stewarding and security?

I just don’t understand the reason as to why you would go to an away game but not go into the away end?
It's the fundamental flaw in Finnish supporter culture: people would rather sit still with their mouths shut, with fans of the opposing team, than show even a shread of emotion supporting their own team. They're too insecure about people "looking at them weird". Thankfully the culture is evolving in a positive direction, but way too slowly. I hope by the time my kids will have their time to take over the Tammela home end, the culture will be very different. But that's a goal we have to work toward.


It's the fundamental flaw in Finnish supporter culture: people would rather sit still with their mouths shut, with fans of the opposing team, than show even a shread of emotion supporting their own team. They're too insecure about people "looking at them weird". Thankfully the culture is evolving in a positive direction, but way too slowly. I hope by the time my kids will have their time to take over the Tammela home end, the culture will be very different. But that's a goal we have to work toward.

This is a great post in-terms of explaining it.
I really hope in the future the view and perception changes especially as Finnish football is growing.

Fans are entitled to support the team how they feel fit, I understand that not everyone wants to or can jump around and sing for the whole game, but that doesn’t mean that one has to sit with the home fans.

All you do by doing that is damper the experience for yourself and fellow supporters.

You should never feel ashamed of who you support.


3 874
This is a great post in-terms of explaining it.
I really hope in the future the view and perception changes especially as Finnish football is growing.

Fans are entitled to support the team how they feel fit, I understand that not everyone wants to or can jump around and sing for the whole game, but that doesn’t mean that one has to sit with the home fans.

All you do by doing that is damper the experience for yourself and fellow supporters.

You should never feel ashamed of who you support.
I have a fully other explanation why I'm rarely in the supporter pit, in hockey or footie. Though I enjoy the atmosphere with the supporter crew, I don't want my kid to learn too many cursewords and some if the behaviour in the pit. There is many of us who go to games with the family and enjoy surrounding with less strong emotions due to this specific reason. A kid is a sponge, they learn everything and remember it. It's not really a kid friendly environment. And I think in Tammela it actually is K-18?
Might be wrong. In Tammela we are near though as the kid section is next to the supporter pit.

We are clothed head to toe in Ilves colours and usually are some of the fews supporting out loud. So its kot about what people think or anything Supin tukit mentioned. It's just easier with the kid not to think how many times he hears vittu during the games.
Thats also the reason why we will come to Invaasio Espoossa, but will take our own car.

I have previously suggested in hockey, that you should have some actives infiltrate the other stands and lead the chanting there, some peoplew would join it. Many people don't know they are even allowed in the supporter pit unless they are Osasto/Niilon Pojat. And then they are too shy to start something to show support from their own seats.


I have a fully other explanation why I'm rarely in the supporter pit, in hockey or footie. Though I enjoy the atmosphere with the supporter crew, I don't want my kid to learn too many cursewords and some if the behaviour in the pit. There is many of us who go to games with the family and enjoy surrounding with less strong emotions due to this specific reason. A kid is a sponge, they learn everything and remember it. It's not really a kid friendly environment. And I think in Tammela it actually is K-18?
Might be wrong. In Tammela we are near though as the kid section is next to the supporter pit.

We are clothed head to toe in Ilves colours and usually are some of the fews supporting out loud. So its kot about what people think or anything Supin tukit mentioned. It's just easier with the kid not to think how many times he hears vittu during the games.
Thats also the reason why we will come to Invaasio Espoossa, but will take our own car.

I have previously suggested in hockey, that you should have some actives infiltrate the other stands and lead the chanting there, some peoplew would join it. Many people don't know they are even allowed in the supporter pit unless they are Osasto/Niilon Pojat. And then they are too shy to start something to show support from their own seats.
Hi yellowgreen,
Really appreciate you coming forward, and giving your explanation I respect that a lot.

Lets start with the K18 thing, C3 (Niilon pojat main section) is not K18 and is open to all, You do not have to be a member of Niilon pojat to go there. C2 and C1is also not K18. I personally do not quite understand the age restriction on some stands, I would assume it is so adults can watch the game without kids around them? Maybe someone with more experience of Finnish football can spread some light on that.

I have kids of my own, so I can sympathise and understand your perspective. The thing about attending sport venues, no matter what the sport is or which stand you are in at some point you are going to hear curswords.

In England, many families attend football games, home and away and many parents take their kids along with them the golden rule in terms of swearing is, what you hear at football, stays at football and you do not repeat it. That is the bottom line.

There is also quite a few kids in C3/C2 who all join in the with chanting and singing and have a really good time. I have also in the past gone to the back of C2 to try and help spread the atmosphere across the stand and I do agree entirely with your point that if we could somehow get more people joining in from other stands it would indeed help the atmosphere at the stadium.

In terms of the behaviour, many of the Niilon Pojat members are passionate about the team, they want to do what they can to support the lads and get as many supporters as possible up on their feet and singing, clapping etc. What I will say as someone who is relatively new to Finnish football and Niilon pojat itself is that everyone I have gotten to know and spoken to in the supporters group are great people who look out for each other. I have never for a moment felt unsafe or unwelcome there, the complete opposite infact.

Lastly the subject of away games. I totally get and understand that not every away supporter will want to come and stand with Niilon pojat and chant and stand non stop for 90 mins. You do not have to, There are normally spaces towards the back of the stands in which you can distance yourself yet still clap along and join in when you want.. These areas are usually quieter as well. I would encourage you to give it a try at least once. Having an extra 20-30 people in the away stand can make a difference visually. It is all about supporting our team together.


3 874
Hi yellowgreen,
Really appreciate you coming forward, and giving your explanation I respect that a lot.

Lets start with the K18 thing, C3 (Niilon pojat main section) is not K18 and is open to all, You do not have to be a member of Niilon pojat to go there. C2 and C1is also not K18. I personally do not quite understand the age restriction on some stands, I would assume it is so adults can watch the game without kids around them? Maybe someone with more experience of Finnish football can spread some light on that.

I have kids of my own, so I can sympathise and understand your perspective. The thing about attending sport venues, no matter what the sport is or which stand you are in at some point you are going to hear curswords.

In England, many families attend football games, home and away and many parents take their kids along with them the golden rule in terms of swearing is, what you hear at football, stays at football and you do not repeat it. That is the bottom line.

There is also quite a few kids in C3/C2 who all join in the with chanting and singing and have a really good time. I have also in the past gone to the back of C2 to try and help spread the atmosphere across the stand and I do agree entirely with your point that if we could somehow get more people joining in from other stands it would indeed help the atmosphere at the stadium.

In terms of the behaviour, many of the Niilon Pojat members are passionate about the team, they want to do what they can to support the lads and get as many supporters as possible up on their feet and singing, clapping etc. What I will say as someone who is relatively new to Finnish football and Niilon pojat itself is that everyone I have gotten to know and spoken to in the supporters group are great people who look out for each other. I have never for a moment felt unsafe or unwelcome there, the complete opposite infact.

Lastly the subject of away games. I totally get and understand that not every away supporter will want to come and stand with Niilon pojat and chant and stand non stop for 90 mins. You do not have to, There are normally spaces towards the back of the stands in which you can distance yourself yet still clap along and join in when you want.. These areas are usually quieter as well. I would encourage you to give it a try at least once. Having an extra 20-30 people in the away stand can make a difference visually. It is all about supporting our team together.

This maybe all true, but my experience from the behavious in non-victorious games is such, that we will stay in nearby, but not in C3.

I must add though that Ilves has organises this well for juniors. The season tickets are in C2, right next to the supporters. In hockey its a different story.


Actually, it's really not acceptable to do
It’s definitely not with the home supporter groups, but I think by home end Matt just meant outside of the away end. We’ve had this conversation with him before irl and he’s specifically wondered why for example Ilves shirts were all over Tehtaan kenttä and not with us.

Anyway, työt ei jousta tarpeeks, että pääsisin hulipaatille tai ees hulilennolle. Vituttaa semisti, koska Wienissä oli tosi hauskaa ja Tukholmaan menee varmaan vähintään yhtä paljon jengii. Varmasti ikimuistone reissu tiedossa kävi mite kävi!


It’s definitely not with the home supporter groups, but I think by home end Matt just meant outside of the away end. We’ve had this conversation with him before irl and he’s specifically wondered why for example Ilves shirts were all over Tehtaan kenttä and not with us.

Anyway, työt ei jousta tarpeeks, että pääsisin hulipaatille tai ees hulilennolle. Vituttaa semisti, koska Wienissä oli tosi hauskaa ja Tukholmaan menee varmaan vähintään yhtä paljon jengii. Varmasti ikimuistone reissu tiedossa kävi mite kävi!
Yeah, That is exactly what I meant.
It was nice to hear from yellowgreen in regards to his perspective as somebody who has not sat in the away end when attending away games.

I only brought this up as keltavihreäpeto was warning people in an earlier post to avoid sitting in the neutral or home ends when we visit Stockholm. Why would you travel all that way just to do that?

Personally I think its a much higher risk going into the home stands in Europe then sticking with your own fans in the away end. In Europe especially you also run the risk of being ejected from the ground if someone from the home end complains about you being there.



3 874
Yeah, That is exactly what I meant.
It was nice to hear from yellowgreen in regards to his perspective as somebody who has not sat in the away end when attending away games.

I only brought this up as keltavihreäpeto was warning people in an earlier post to avoid sitting in the neutral or home ends when we visit Stockholm. Why would you travel all that way just to do that?

Personally I think its a much higher risk going into the home stands in Europe then sticking with your own fans in the away end. In Europe especially you also run the risk of being ejected from the ground if someone from the home end complains about you being there.

Oh sorry, I misunderstood a little bit. I meant overall at the games why we are not sitting in the supporter pit area but somewhere in the middle. In away games most likely we would get tickets near the supporter area. But, I have to clarify also there was a special difference in the Haka game. Before the Haka game, the 7-year olds from Ilves were playing against the Haka 7-year olds. It was before the supporter bus arrived to Haka game. So there were a lot of families with young kids and grandmas etc. who were there to see the little ones play ans stayed for the game. I had some friends at that game, their kids were playing.

Many of that crowd don't travel to away games, it was once in a lifetime experience mostly and I guess people mostly sat where their kids played on the field.