First Challenge (#1):
If a Team initiates a Coach’s Challenge, and such Challenge does not result in the original call on the ice being overturned, they lose their ability to challenge plays without penalty if they are not overturned or inconclusive.
Second Challenge (#2):
If a Team that has already initiated a Challenge that was unsuccessful, initiates a Coach’s Challenge for any of the listed scenarios and such Challenge does not result in the original call being overturned the Team exercising such a Challenge shall be assessed a Bench Minor Penalty for delaying the game.
Further Challenge (#3 and more):
If a Team that has already initiated two or more Challenges that were unsuccessful, initiates a Coach’s Challenge for any of the listed scenarios and such Challenge does not result in the original call on the ice being overturned, the Team exercising such Challenge shall be assessed a Double-Bench Minor Penalty (2+2) for delaying the game.
Video Reviews that are deemed as inconclusive will not result in the Team being assessed a Bench Minor Penalty and the original call on the ice stands.