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Tekee surulliseksi lukea, että Malek käytännössä myöntää, ettei kaikilla ollut samaa halua voittaa. Halusivat vain pitää hauskaa.Malekin ajatuksia kaudesta Hokej.cz haastattelussa.
Kannattaa käyttää kääntäjää, mielenkiintoisimmat highlightsit parilla omalla boldauksella:
Against Kuopio, as the second team after the regular season, you were the clear favorite. What was the opponent better at in the end?
They were hungrier for success. We talked to the guys and it seemed to us that they just wanted it more than we did, which is of course wrong. It was supposed to be us who would make it to the top. Unfortunately, there wasn't the right desire for success among some of the guys. I was a little disappointed. We played overtime three times, but precisely because the opponent was hungrier, he was able to grab it on his side.
Did they give you a hard time in the club?
There was a lot of discontent in the club. It started with the fans, who booed us in a crushing way after the last match. Then it escalated to "exit meetings" with the manager (noista exit-meetingeistä olisi mielenkiintoista kuulla lisää). They invited us one by one and checked us out about everything that happened during the season. They simply wanted to find out where the stumbling block was in the fact that we had failed.
You had your compatriots Kodýtek, Stránský and Mašín in your team. Did you make the season more enjoyable together?
It was perfect, the Czech team always sticks together. We met regularly with the boys outside the cabin as well. It's great to have so many Czech teammates. There could theoretically be one more of us next year, we'll see. I'm sure it's going to be good again.
What about you and the future in Ilves?
I signed an option for another year and now I'm waiting to see what happens next. Preparations for the World Championship begin, everything is in the stars. Anything can happen in the summer. Yes, I have signed and should continue in Ilves. But I leave the situation open to anything.
Ja toteaa myös haastatelussa että Suomen Veikkausliiga on Tsekin divaritasoa, mikä pitää kyllä paikkansa.
Siinä mielessä buuaukset oli kyllä jopa ansaittu. Ei tietenkään heille, jotka selkeästi yrittivät ja halusivat, vaan niille, jotka eivät oikeasti intohimoisesti halunneet.
Alleviivaa vain sitä, että sen saa mitä ansaitsee. Ei ansaittu tätä enempää.