Les Lancaster



I know you will be reading these comments, sooner or later.

You were one of the most iconic foreign players in Ilves ever.

And it's not because of points. Sure, all the goals and assists meant a lot for all of us. You did all that at times when Ilves was reborning after years and decades of bad, grim dream. From your part you brought light in to the club and to all of us that had almost lost hope.

But the most important thing is that through your personality, your optimism, artistic touch and joyful way of playing, you were a pivotal part of creating new, reborn Ilves. New identity, which buries the past and creates new light, novel ways of looking into the future. Future that is full of hope and trust.

Your way of playing and being part of the team were a genuine reflection of what Ilves has traditionally been all about. Creativity, collective effort and beauty of playing. You reminded us what this whole story is all about.

And should it so happen that we, Ilves, will celebrate the championship this year, next year, or a year after, you will be with us. Most likely you will not be in the rink, but I know that many of us will still see you lifting the trophy.

Because you will always be one of us. You will not be forgotten. You are Ilves. Forever.
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Epäonnistui keväisin? Oli puoluspäähän heikko? Loukkaantui runkosarjan lopussa? Oli koko kauden 23-24 omassa päässä hukassa? Peliesityksillä ei mahtunut pelaamaan.


Oli iso Ilves. Hymyili aina Kalevan Prismassa kun kohdattiin. Omistaa ison Ilves sydämen. Ulkomaalaispelaaja, jota voisi kuitenkin luulla omaksi junioriksi.

Les on pelaaja joka persoonallaan ja olemuksellaan vahvistaa koko yhteisöä. Tällaisia hankintoja me haluamme. Toivottavasti Ilves ja Tampere tarjosi hänelle ja perheelleen hyvää. Hän ehdottomasti on top10 kaikkien aikojen ulkomaalaispelaaja Ilveksen historiassa.

Itse jään joka tapauksessa kaipaamaan. Kaikkea hyvää.


An iconic player goes away, one I put a lot of hope to resolve sometime difficult games, one of the best defensemen of the CHL regular season of this year. It’s not few thing but also a sign Ilves is upgrading every day (or at least try to do) its level if there’s not enough space for a def like Lancaster. This is business, this is sport, players arrive and depart and… as it’s common to say “Ilves remains”. Ok, but in some circumstances this wording is harder than in others
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I know you will be reading these comments, sooner or later.

You were one of the most iconic foreign players in Ilves ever.

And it's not because of points. Sure, all the goals and assists meant a lot for all of us. You did all that at times when Ilves was reborning after years and decades of bad, grim dream. From your part you brought light in to the club and to all of us that had almost lost hope.

But the most important thing is that through your personality, your optimism, artistic touch and joyful way of playing, you were a pivotal part of creating new, reborn Ilves. New identity, which buries the past and creates new light, novel ways of looking into the future. Future that is full of hope and trust.

Your way of playing and being part of the team were a genuine reflection of what Ilves has traditionally been all about. Creativity, collective effort and beauty of playing. You reminded us what this whole story is all about.

And should it so happen that we, Ilves, will celebrate the championship this year, or next year, you will be with us. Even though you will not be in the rink, I know that many of us will see you lifting the trophy.

Because you will be one of us. You will not be forgotten. You are Ilves. Forever.
Tämä oli niin hieno viesti, että oli pakko naapurileiristä tulla tykkäämään (hei olen uusi täälä. Esiinnyt samalla nimimerkillä provosoivasti muualla somessa, mutta täälä yritän olla asiallinen)

Vaikka tosiaan Lessiä tavallaan vihasin kun oli niin hyvä pelaaja ja teki meitäkin vastaan maaleja, mutta arvostus on silti suuri. Näin hienoa ulkomaalaispelaajaa joka on näin seurauskollinen ei vain löydy melkein mistään.

Pelityyli ja persoona raikas. Tykkäsin todella paljon katsoa häntä kun teidän pelejä katsoin.

Toivon aidosti, että joku päivä palaisi Ilvekseen useaksi vuodeksi ja tekisi sellaisen uran siellä, että Ilves nostaisi tämän kaverin paidan joskus Nokia-Arenan kattoon. Aidosti toivon tätä. Kiitän itsekin nyt Lessiä, vaikka meitä välillä kiusasi, viihdytti kentällä ja sen ulkopuolella.


1 029
Les Lancaster! There is a name and a man, who will stay in our memories and our hearts forever. Les, your name and fame will be there in those hockey corridors.
Always seeing you on ice, skating and shooting, it fills us with warm feelings.

All those times you gave us happy moments and that act when you rip your shirt, after making another important goal, will always stay there.

Please keep Tampere as your second home city and Ilves as your team. You are always welcome back. Everytime you will be in Tampere, us fans will want to see you and take care of you.

Les, we shall see again!

Ja sinne Ilves konttorille, jos tänä vuonna päätyyn asti, ja jopa se kultainen tippuu, Les on sitten mukana (ainakin katsomossa) ja saakoon erikoisluvan moikata kopin. Jos tosiaan siinä viimeisessä ottelussa ei herraa näy screenillä kotona, olen enemmän kuin pettynyt.

Raipe - The Great One

11 525
Don’t cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Les is more. Forever


Until we meet again. Thanks for all the memories!


9 890
We all feel deep sorrow that our common travel ends like this. It was not way we could imagine and we Ilves-fans feel blue that things end up like this. But we can't deny facts. The place of great defenseman like #74 is on ice and Ilves cannot provide role and ice time anymore. So, it is time to just let go.

Alltough this moment is hard and emotional and it's not easy to find words in this case, we all want you to know that you're one of the Ilves's of all time. You're not just an excellent defenseman and great shoot-out scorer, you are more. You are a great person, who always took care of fans, smiling persona and easy to approach. You have brought so many good moments and good memories to us Ilves fans. And of course you were a big part of project, which brought first medal to Ilves in Finnish Elite league after 21 years. That means so lot to us. We all hoped that we could end this travel to our common goal, a championship, but now our travel continues without you.

Even tough our common travel ends now, remember that you are remembered. The time you spent here is not just a games or rehearsals or travelling with team. It's also friendship, Ilves team spirit and good memories. And those things doesn't vanish even though your place in the locker room is now empty. Take care of your friends who you made at your Tampere time. And you are ALWAYS welcome to Nokia-Areena. And we all wish that after you have made succesful hockey career, you reach your second goal and you can become a pilot. So we say: see you soon, we don't say goodbye.